
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom” Colossians 3:16a

Groups have never been more important than now. The world feels so disconnected, so we need to connect and grow together in Groups. You don’t have to be a Southpoint member or a Christ-follower to connect in a Group. No matter how little or how much you know about the Bible or where you're at spiritually, you can enjoy a Group!

Join a Group by choosing one below and following the link to connect with the leader.

Questions? Email

Hi! Many Groups stop meeting regularly for the Summer season, so you won't see much listed below right now. As we approach September, this page will fill up with opportunities to get connected, so please come back then if you don't see what you're hoping for now!

Sunday Groups

Monday Groups

The Prayer Gathering

Day/Time: The 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 PM
Location: Trenton
Type: Mixed
Topic: Prayer
Focus: Prayer

Tuesday Groups

Dave Alexander

Day/Time: Tuesday at 7:00 PM
Location: Trenton
Type: Men
Topic: Bible Study
Focus: Books of the Bible

Wednesday Groups



  • 8/7/2024 6:00 PM
  • 8/8/2024 6:00 PM
  • 8/9/2024 6:00 PM

Location: Trenton
Type: Mixed
Topic: Bible Study
Focus: New Testament Overview

Thursday Groups

Living in the Light Recovery Group - Led by Mary Manners

Day/Time: Thursday at 6:30 PM
Location: Trenton
Type: Mixed
Topic: Living In The Light
Focus: Addictions

Friday Groups

Michael Reinhardt

Day/Time: Every 2 weeks: Fridays at 6:30 PM
Location: Trenton
Type: Men
Topic: Bible Study
Focus: Books of the Bible; Reading and Discussion

Rachel Reinhardt

Day/Time: Every 2 weeks: Fridays at 6:30 PM
Location: Trenton
Type: Women
Topic: Bible Study
Focus: Books of the Bible; reading and discussion

Saturday Groups